From my mixed up files...
What do Whitaker and Reid and Tanner look like now?
The best advice you'll ever receive
Worth the cover price? Book reviews you won't find on the book jacket.
Bookcrossing is a place to read and release books. It is a fantastic place to poke around and hopefully it will inspire some of you to set your books free too!
The Recipexchange ArchiveTried and true recipes from busy moms.

The gorgeous Les Cheneaux Islands. In a perfect world, this is where I would spend my entire summer. And yes, the UP is as beautiful as this picture makes it out to be. It may even be more beautiful.
The Storyteller's Creed: words to live by.
My favorite sites:
- Books

Bookcrossing is a place to read and release books. It is a fantastic place to poke around and hopefully it will inspire some of you to set your books free too!
The Bookwire more for book junkies
Yahoo's List of Book Reviews because you don't already have enough to read
The Book Group List an e-mail book group for those without access to a traditional group
Booksense where some wonderful independent bookstores recommend different books on a monthly basis
- School
College of Wooster an institute of higher learning where men wear skirts.
The Blake School in case you went to high school with me.
University of Connecticut OK, I went there too, but I'm trying to forget the whole miserable experience.
- Random
Simon Says by my illustrious former employer, that publishing god, Simon & Schuster (a division of Viacom--who owns everybody).
Switchboard in case you want to locate an old friend you can impose on when you go traveling
Any positive feedback, laudatory comments, or money (cash, check, or charge) can be sent to Kristen.
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since I put this fun counter on the page.